If a package is ever marked as delivered and you cannot find it we highly recommend you search for the package as most cases the packages actually get delivered to the proper address but in the wrong place. Most packages we send do not fit in a standard mailbox and are larger boxes. Some delivery persons may place that in more discrete areas to prevent theft, but that can also make it harder for the actual recipient to find it. If you are at a single-family dwelling, check around your mailbox as well as behind any accessible gates that may have allowed the deliverer to hide the package on your property.
If you live in a multi-unit property, we recommend checking with your neighbors in case they took the package in on your behalf to prevent it from being stolen if it was left on your porch. This actually happens much more frequently than people expect, and although is down with the best intentions can lead to confusion and fraudulent claims of lost shipments. We recommend checking with your neighbors before beginning a claim
If the package was shipped to a large building with a mail room or an office, we recommend checking any public mail locations more than the supervisor of the mail system to see if any larger packages were held or if anyone saw your package. You may be directed to where the shipment is being stored.
If you purchased Onewheel Ship+, contact our customer service team here. If you did not purchase Onewheel Ship+, we will not be able to assist you.