We do not sell any used or refurbished boards, so we can ensure you that your board is new. For quality control, we do test all of our boards before they can leave the factory. After the short test ride, we immediately put them through a cleaning process and sometimes there can be some residue left on the tire from the cleaning agent.
Most likely what happened was that the packaging material rubbed off during transit.
To be as sustainable as possible we use packaging material made out of recycled cardboard. During shipment, it can rub against the board and create a thin layer of cardboard dust on the tire and the footpads and give the appearance of looking dusty.
Here are some examples of new boards that appear to be used but in actuality, the packing material rubbed off during shipment:
We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you. However, this can easily be cleaned with water on a damp cloth (do not use any alcohol-based cleaners) it should completely wipe off.
Another way to ensure that the board is new is by checking its odometer in diagnostics on the Onewheel app, all boards leave the factory with a 0 mile reading on the odometer, therefore you should receive the board with a 0 mile reading out of the package.
I hope that eases your concerns so that you can rest assured that your board is new and ready to shred.